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Real Pharm Testo Booster Testosterone Level Support 180 caps Sports nutrition, food supplements, vitamins

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Description of Real Pharm Testo Booster Testosterone Level Support

Testo Booster is an incredibly effective testosterone booster specially designed for men. It is a combination of eight plant extracts with the addition of DAA, zinc, magnesium, silicon and calcium. This remarkable composition guarantees effectiveness and safety of use for physically active men in any age, particularly those who practice strength sports. The supplement helps to maintain the appropriate level of testosterone in your body, supporting lean muscle gain, enhancing sexual performance and increasing fitness, which allows for more effective training. Testo Booster contains tribulus terrestris extract, which is well known in Arabic traditional medicine as a great solution for supporting sexual function in men. Tribulus provides energy, has a renewing effect and enhances libido in men while the saponins found within this plant strengthen the immune system and improve, among others, the level of testosterone in human body. Ashwagandha extract is another herbal ingredient, which gives strength, supports sexual performance and has mood enhancing properties. When used by physically active people, it enhances body oxygenation and increases stamina. The addition of fenugreek helps in the activation of insulin and supports the synthesis of proteins and glycogen in muscle cells.  Fenugreek extract has an anabolic effect due to the presence of saponins in its chemical composition.The formula of Testo Booster is further enhanced through the addition of pumpkin seeds, which constitute an exceptionally abundant source of nutrients. This ingredients cleanses the body and stimulates hormone production, helping to keep the prostate in good health Another advantage of pumpkin seeds lies in their supporting role in muscle tissue gain and mood-enhancing effect. The perfect formula consisting of 8 plant extracts enriched with DAA and the addition of mineral ingredients

  •  Help in building lean muscle tissue;
  •  Improved libido and testosterone levels;
  • Enhanced sexual functions and potency;
  • Improved fat metabolism and protein synthesis;
  •  Improved fitness and training results;
  •  Increased stamina and improved immunity;
  •  Guarantee of the product’s safety of use and reliability.

Nutrition facts Real Pharm Testo Booster Testosterone Level Support

Servings per container: 30

Serving size: 6 capsules

  1 capsule               6 capsules
DAA 250 mg 1500 mg
Magnesium 66,6 mg (18% ZDS) 400 mg (108% ZDS)
Fenugreek extract 4:1 66,6 mg 400 mg
Tribulus terrestris extract standardized to 65% saponin 50 mg 300 mg
Maca extract DER 10:1 50 mg 300 mg
Pumpkin seeds extract DER 10:1 25 mg 150 mg
Ground ginseng root  25 mg 150 mg
Saber palm extract DER 4:1 20 mg 120 mg
Ashwagandha extract DER 6:1 – standardized to 1,5% withanolides  10 mg 60 mg
Zinc 2,5 mg (25% ZDS) 15 mg (150% ZDS)
Black pepper extract standardized to 95% piperine 1,67 mg 10 mg


Ingredients: D-аѕраrtіс асіd (DАА), mаgnеѕіum саrbоnаtе (mаgnеѕіum), ехtrасt оf fеnugrееk ѕееdѕ DЕR 4:1 (Тrіgоnеllа fоеnum grаесum), trіbuluѕ tеrrеѕtіѕ ехtrасt (Тrіbuluѕ tеrrеѕtіѕ) ѕtаndаrdіzеd tо 65% ѕароnіnѕ, mаса ехtrасt DЕR 4:1 (Lеріdіum mеуеnіі), gеlаtіn (сарѕulе ѕhеll), рumрkіn ѕееd ехtrасt DЕR 10:1 (Сuсurbіtа реро), роwdеrеd gіnѕеng rооt (Еluthеrососсuѕ еntісоѕuѕ), ѕаw раlmеttо ехtrасt DЕR 4:1 (Ѕеrеnоа rереnѕ), wіntеr сhеrrу ехtrасt (wіthаnіа ѕоnnіfеrа) Аѕhwаgаndhа DЕR 6:1 ѕtаndаrdіzеd tо 1,5% Wіthаnоlіdеѕ, zіnс lасtаtе (zіnс), blасk рерреr ехtrасt (Ріреr nіgrum) ѕtаndаrdіzеd tо 95% Ріреrіnе, соlоurіng – tіtаnіum dіохіdе, аntісаkіng аgеntѕ – mаgnеѕіum ѕаltѕ оf fаttу асіdѕ, ѕіllісоn dіохіdе.

Directions Real Pharm Testo Booster Testosterone Level Support

Take 6 capsules.

Additional information

Before using this dietary supplement or starting any training program, consult your physician or a qualified health expert. Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. This product is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. !!!-Notice-!!! At fithealthy.eu, we make efforts to provide accurate product information and images. However, due to occasional updates in packaging or ingredients by manufacturers, there may be slight discrepancies. For your safety, we strongly recommend reading the labels, warnings, and directions provided with the product before use, rather than relying solely on the information presented on our website.

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